Selecting "Formula"
enters the sub-area in which it’s possible to create logical channels based on
dynamic and synchronous calculations with the acquired channels.
Typical uses:
In this image we see the management settings.
The formulas are continually
calculated from the first to the last, so to use one formula in another must be
defined higher up in the table.
Unless “Channel Lock” is deactivated, logical channels used in the formulas have their names protected from changes in their respective configuration environments.
It’s possible to protect a subset of formulas with a password (unique), meaning those within which the option was chosen; deactivating "Lock" (with password) enables all the formulas.In this picture you can see the
details for each channel formula.
The syntax contemplates the use of lowercase letters to which match the appropriate logical channel selected in the sub window shown here:
In general, these sub windows have a filter for the logical channels’ category to find the one to select more easily.
Using "Test formula ..." it’s possible to test the calculation by assigning extemporaneous values to the used channels; making this check it’s always advisable because, if the calculation fails, the formula would always result in zero without any warning or other evidence.
In this and in the following two images, we can see the contents of the "Help" window, i.e. where the usable operators in formulas are summarized.
Here, in particular, is shown the syntax of an "IF THEN ELSE" conditional formula.
Here is shown the syntax of a “PID control” formula type.
Here is shown the syntax of a “LP filter” formula type.